Our last night at Ziwani was spotlighted by an amazing feature they have…a massive tree and it’s one thousand plus (yes! Kathy did count them!) Egrets that roost there every night. Truly breathtaking.

Up early today, had breakfast and got a lift to where the camels and drovers were staying for the past two nights. There, they had five camels and three of them, loaded and ready to go on an over-nighter to Lake Chala, a turquoise-coloured gem that shares its border with Tanzania.
We started walking through giant farms with the greenest and healthiest corn fields, thriving in their water-filled soil. When we walked through the town of Chala, the people were now all speaking Kiswahili instead of Maa, and we could tell they were more used to seeing mzungu here.
Camp is at the top of a crater, which inside is where Lake Chala is. Our home for the night is at an abandoned Lodge, once an open and active getaway. Now, its crumbled buildings and broken-down walls are all around us, including a swimming pool, a bar, a dining room, and what we can only imagine was the lobby.
We’ve just returned from a walk down to the lake, where Rory and Simon went for a dip. Bev and Kathy just got their heads wet to cool down, as non-locals can get schistosomiasis, a parasite from fresh water. They didn’t want to take the chance with so much walking ahead. They will have to wait for the Indian Ocean!