Yesterday was a Day Off.
Think we have done almost exactly 300 km.
Had a general spruce up and a wash under a bucket. The most amazing thing was watching the black cotton soil get wet and turn into clay and stick to my flip-flops in huge lumps. If this rain arrived any movement, our travel would be virtually impossible. Camels, vehicles or humans would be completely grounded.

Got everything else washed, and then John and I spent the day rehydrating under an acacia tree and telling funny stories.
Susie arrived with Rosie and Matt which was cheerful bringing news and other goodies.
Barabara and the boys spent the morning down at the waterhole, chatting with the locals and watering the camels.
To encourage the fussy camels to drink, John fed them a big bag of salt which they really ate well. He had also bought down extra mattresses to put under their homemade saddles as one or two were developing saddle sores. I am sure they enjoyed the day off as well as us.