Wow! Can’t believe that it is the last day of the month! Time flies when you are on a camel safari!

This morning, another scorpion was found for the count, this time under Amanda and John’s tent. Also, as we were pouring our morning wake-me-ups, it was quietly announced that there were elephants at the waterhole. Of course, Bev, Kathy, and Robin headed out quietly and slowly with Barabara to witness a very large bull, a mama and a baby. The male was on the water’s edge and didn’t seem to notice us right away. He continued to drink, and splash trunkfuls of water on himself, to prepare himself for what was sure to be another hot and muggy day. Before much longer, they all slowly sauntered into the thick bushes, and then they were gone. How can these majestic giants just disappear?
We weaved our way through these thick bushes for 16.6 Km today, slowly at first, in case we ran into some more ellies. But alas, we didn’t. We did, however, see a troop of baboons, a few kudu, two dick dicks, and two snails mating.
Weaving our way through these forests is challenging, for us and the camels. Barabara is in the lead. He follows the tracks of different animals, both old and new, and we follow him. It seems to work, as we have now ended up at camp in good time. It’s not as stifling hot as yesterday, there’s a nice breeze this afternoon. A cheese and tomato sandwich awaits and some soup, which really does hit the spot after a day walking!